Monday, June 9, 2008

My customers were riding well this weekend!

Got a few race reports from people racing on bikes that I built and maintain. I had a crappy race on sunday when I broke my cleat when I hit a pedal in a corner in the Santa Rosa crit, so these guys made up for that.

From Dean Panzica, triathlete:


Alcatraz ended up to be a good one for me.

The stem was perfect and my bike was awesome. 2000 competitors and Ifinished as follows:

1.5 mile Swim: 26:45 (13th overall for the day)
18 miles of hills: Bike 58:35 (230th overall for the day)
8 mile Run 57:11 (85th overall for the day)

Hit the podium with a 3rd place finish in 2:30:41

Take care and thanks for your help.


And from Marvin Zauderer, road racer:

> Ross' Epic Hill Climb
> 6/7/08
> Masters 45+ 4/5
> Field: 17; Place: 13
> Teammates: David C, Daryle
> This is the second year of Ross' Epic Hillclimb in
> Geyserville. It's
> a benefit for Ross Dillon
> (, a cyclist hit
> from behind by an inattentive driver in 2002. It
> features 3600' of
> climbing in 18 miles, mostly on Pine Flat Road,
> including a 1.5 mile
> climb at the end that contains a heinous 21%
> section. My goal this
> year was to better last year's time (1:30) and to
> manage my energy
> better -- last year I went too hard before the final
> climb.
> A few days before the race, I read that Contador was
> using a 34x30 to
> do the climbs at the Giro. Thank you, Alberto! Now I
> had no qualms
> whatsoever about using whatever technology I could
> find to get my
> body and my 20+-pound bike up those hills. I already
> have a 34, and
> fortunately, my ace mechanic Josh Snead had a 12-28
> cassette that
> worked with my Ultegra drivetrain. Luxury! (maybe
> next time I'll find
> some MTB cassette with a 30 on it)

> As we rolled off the start line towards the hills,
> the predictable
> twitchy surges came and went. The climb began at
> mile 7 or so, and I
> maintained good position near the front. After a
> short time, a number
> of us separated from the rest of the field. I could
> see after a while
> that I was not going to be able to stay with the
> lead group, and
> would blow up if I pushed to stay with them as long
> as I could.
> Seeing that Dave was in the group (I didn't see
> Daryle, but it turned
> out he was there, too), I sat up and tried to annoy
> people who were
> attempting to bridge. I rode within myself most of
> the way, working
> with a zTeam guy for some of it. The 21% section was
> shorter than I
> remembered from last year (good sign) -- probably
> 1/4 of a mile or
> so, but it's at the beginning of a 1.5-mile section
> at the end which
> is mostly not all that much easier. I had also
> completely forgotten a
> brief flat section that appeared in the middle of
> that, which was a
> huge relief. Ultimately I crossed the line in 1:22
> -- a good
> improvement over last year. And the 35-minute
> descent back down the
> hill was awesome.
> -- Marvin

Marvin Zauderer is
a licensed psychotherapist, sport psychology
consultant, and
workplace conflict consultant; his website is

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